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United Waalhaven Terminal (Netherlands) equipped with ShibataFenderTeam SPC Cone Fenders
In 2014 the Port of Rotterdam awarded the Design & Construct contract for the new United Waalhaven Terminal (UWT) which was completed in October 2015. This 135 m long quay is equipped with 16 sets of ShibataFenderTeam double SPC 800 Fenders, all stringently tested to PIANC 2002 protocol. The corresponding steel panels measure 5,350 x 1,450 mm and were built in the SFT steel workshop in Germany.
The new terminal will be able to accommodate short sea vessels as well as inland vessels with a draught of 7 m. The quay is designed primarily for handling empty containers, but can also be used for full ones. It enables UWT to easily cope with the increasing modal shift from truck to inland shipping.
See the corresponding reference project.