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Shibata Fender Team


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Supervised installation of the first Cone Fender System for Port-La Nouvelle in France

Port-La Nouvelle is a coastal village in the Occitan region located about 20 km in the south of Narbonne. The village has an exceptional location between lakes, inland ponds and the foothills of the Corbieres mountains. Over the last years the port authority planned the deep sea port expansion project at Port-La Nouvelle which includes the construction of liquid and bulk terminals as well as an industrial zone within a new outer harbor. The multipurpose port grow from a total size of 60 to 230 hectares and the water depth will increase from 8.60 m to 16 meters. As part of this project, a new quay wall with a length of 250 meters was built at the inner harbor.

ShibataFenderTeam was entrusted by the client, a joint venture of Soletanche Bachy, GTM (VINCI) and Bokalis, to design and deliver a suitable fender solution for the new berth. Our engineering team designed 17 sets of SPC 900 Cone Fender Systems with a closed steel panel design measuring 2300 mm x 3450 mm. Additionally we delivered 18 T Head Bollards with a capacity of 100 t each and 6 sets of Steel Ladders.

The first fender system was installed in February 2021 and our Area Sales Manager, Alvaro Rodero, from the Spanish SFT Office was on site to supervise the installation. He assisted the construction team during all installation steps until the system was finally equipped to the quay wall. After the successful instructions by the SFT expert, the construction team has handled the installation of the remaining Cone Fender Systems under their own management.

It is a continuous construction project with great future potential for the port and people. We are looking forward to see the further development of the new commercial port in Port-La-Nouvelle. Thanks to the contractors for their trust in our expertise and the opportunity to share it. (#4646)

The SFT Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual provides installation guidelines for different fender type. It is available in our download section in six different languages. For additional advise, please do not hesitate to contact us!

More pictures about Cone Fender System installed at Port-La-Nouvelle can be seen in our reference section.


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