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Supervised installation of SFT Parallel Motion Fenders at Swedish Cruise Terminal
For the ShibataFenderTeam Group an order is never done with the successful delivery only. Our commitment continues, and we provide after sales service and assistance during commissioning and throughout the service life of the fender system. Sharing our expertise and guiding our customers through the whole installation process, is a service we gladly offer.
We recently had the pleasure to support our customer Per Aarsleff with the installation of 16 sets of Parallel Motion Fender Systems (including steel panels of 2,200 x 4,800 mm) for berth 7 & 8 at the Cruise Terminal in Ystad, a city on the southern Coast of Sweden. The highly experienced team from our production plant in Germany, was on site for three days in August to assist our client during the first installation steps.
SFT Production Supervisor Patrick Riemann described the site operations as well organized with high security standards. Accompanied by one of our painters and one welding engineer, they explained the assembly and installation process of Parallel Motion Fender Systems to the local construction team and guided them through all steps. Two days were originally scheduled to assemble and install one Fender System. A great organization and a highly motivated team allowed an installation which was ahead of schedule by half of the time. Only four days were needed to install four Parallel Motion Fender Systems.
Furthermore, our delivery to Ystad included two specially designed Guide Wall Systems, each consisting of several Element Fenders and six hinged steel panels 4,800 x 2,450 mm. Additionally, 14 sets of T Head Bollards (75t capacity) and 20 Pillar Bollards (different capacities) were installed at the berth.
After the successful instructions by the SFT experts, Per Aarsleff handled the installation of the remaining 12 sets of Parallel Motion Fender Systems under their own management. We thank the construction team for the excellent collaboration and wish the Port of Ystad a successful cruise season. This project showed how teamwork allows for great time savings and a smooth process. (#4106)
The SFT Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manual provides installation guidelines for different fender type. It is available in our download section in six different languages. If you have any question, do not hesitate to contact us!
📷 More pictures about SFT Parallel Motion Fenders in Ystad can be found in our reference section