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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

SPC Cone Fenders delivered to Swinoujscie, Poland

ShibataFenderTeam successfully supplied 4 sets of SPC 1200 Fender Systems for the ORLEN Terminal in Swinoujscie, Poland. The fender systems were designed by ShibataFenderTeam to replace the old Element Fender systems by efficient and state-of-the-art SPC Cone Fender systems with closed box steel panels 2,700 x 3,000 mm fitted with UHMW-PE frontal plates.

The dolphins at the ORLEN oil terminal are designed to receive tankers up to 40,0000 DWT with a length of up to 185 m. The new fender system will help to further increase capacity and efficiency at the terminal.

See more pictures about our Fenders at the ORLEN Terminal in Swinoujscie on our website in the reference section.

For further details, please feel free to contact our German office.


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