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ShibataFenderTeam Group releases third White Paper on Manufacturing and Curing

German-headquartered and leading manufacturer of high-quality fender systems ShibataFenderTeam announces the release of the third publication of its four-part White Paper Series. The Papers aim to advocate more transparency in fender production to ensure quality standards that are driven by a commitment to high-performance products and a clear sense of responsibility.

Paper #1 of the Series was launched in 2018 with a focus on the correlation of raw materials, their composition and the impact on the final product, followed by the preparation and mixing steps of raw materials and how they impact the performance of a rubber fender in Paper #2.

While there are several guidelines and international standards concerning the physical properties of a fender, there are no unifying procedures that dictate how to achieve a durable, high-quality fender. It is still up to the manufacturer to choose the optimal production method. The SFT White Paper Series sheds light on the complexity of the manufacturing process and the close relation between the steps, as well as best-practice examples for the procedures and equipment.

Paper #3, Manufacturing and Curing. Advanced Perfection, takes a close look at manufacturing and curing as two of the most quality-critical steps in the fender manufacturing process. It outlines the optimal methods for each fender type and size and how the most important parameters temperature, pressure, and time play a decisive role in the advanced stage of fender production.

“Not all methods result in the same quality which is why a well-versed manufacturer chooses the ideal procedure in order to achieve the highest possible product quality”, says Dominique Polte, Board Member at SFT.

The SFT Group with their inherent expertise, demonstrates once more that small discrepancies in handling and choosing the adequate equipment can make a huge difference in the final fender.

Paper #3 also expands on the possible defects that can occur if a manufacturer does not observe the interaction of critical parameters in the process and how to avoid them.

With its holistic approach to customized fender design and more than 50 years of experience in the fender industry, the ShibataFenderTeam Group has made it one of its missions to provide an unbiased view of what exactly makes a good fender – from source materials to every single step in the manufacturing process. Since each fender project has its very unique individual requirements, SFT always looks at the complete picture and is dedicated to the entire process from compounding, mixing, manufacturing and curing, to testing which will be the fourth and final Paper of the White Paper Series.

Download White Paper #3 Manufacturing and Curing. Advanced perfection 



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