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Shibata Fender Team


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ShibataFenderTeam delivered fender solution for the rehabilitation of the iconic Dutch levee ‘Afsluitdijk’

The Afsluitdijk, a 32 km long levee that separates the Wadden Sea and Lake , has been an example of excellent Dutch marine engineering for decades. However, at 90 years of age, the levee was in need of a substantial rehabilitation. As part of these works a new lock was built near Den Oever which, in case of severe weather, such as storms and extreme waves, will be closed and protected with a floating barrier.

To protect and smoothen the movement of this barrier, we delivered six V Fenders (SX-P 1000x3000 mm) - also known as Arch Fenders - with UHMW-PE pads. Considering the environmental conditions that the fenders will operate in, they were fitted with duplex steel fixings (1.4462), an extremely corrosion-resistant material.

When the water level in the Wadden Sea is too high, these fenders absorb the energy of the floodgate and protect the lock entrance. Ultimately, the whole structure prevents flooding of the entire hinterland.

As a dedicated team of true experts, we at the ShibataFenderTeam Group are glad to be part of this unique and iconic project, providing increased safety for an infrastructure to resist the power of the sea for many years to come. (#0166)

Find more information about our V Fenders for the Afsluitdijk, in the reference section of our website.

The consortium in charge of the renovation created this video animation showing different aspects of the works; to see details of our V Fenders please go to minute 2:10.



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