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ShibataFenderTeam Group
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ShibataFenderTeam Agent Network is growing
ShibataFenderTeam permanently broadens and develops its agent network.
We are active worldwide, and yet we're always at our client's side. We value being able to stay in close contact with our clients, with regular and direct communication.
Martti Sundqvist with Epomare OY (Finland) was one of the first agents for the company. During the last 10 years we had a great partnership with Martti which we are very thankful for. There were many interesting projects over the years and a good market coverage. We are now looking forward to continue the successful cooperation with our new Finnish agent Jyri Kuusela who has taken over the business from Martti and is the new owner of Epomare OY. Martti will stay with Epomare for another 12 months as a consultant to ensure a proper handover of market know how.
Mr Kalin Borissov from Stratcons EOOD is our new Agent in Bulgaria. Stratcons is on the market for more than 10 years and has proven track record in assisting companies engaged in port services and marine engineering projects.
ShibataFenderTeam and Stratcons are looking forward to a fruitful cooperation on serving Bulgaria based clients with high-quality products and solution at competitive conditions.
Maintaining a strong presence means being familiar with local conditions, standards and regulations. It also means supporting and guiding all stakeholders through every stage of the project, no matter where in the world. Our Network ensures that our clients always have a competent contact person within reach – and that ShibataFenderTeam is represented in all corners of the world.