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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

SFT supplied large-sized V Fenders for the Boudewijnkanaal in Belgium

In 2019 we established our new office in the Netherlands and since then our Dutch colleagues have received around 150 project orders already. One of the most impressive orders we received from our long-term partner Artes Depret who had been contracted by the Port of Zeebrugge for a major construction project. It consists of a new quay wall with a length of 930 m and a height of almost 30 m. After the construction of the quay wall, a cofferdam will be built in the polder zone between the Boudewijnkanaal and the new quay wall. This will be relevant for realizing the tunnel elements for the construction project "Oosterweel Link". Once the "Oosterweel Link" project in Antwerp is completed, the new berth at the Boudewijnkanaal will become part of a larger project aimed at increasing capacity for the automotive sector in the port of Zeebrugge. The construction works extended the canal to a total area of 156 hectares.

ShibataFenderTeam Netherlands together with our Belgium agent CGK Group supplied the fenders for the protection of the new quay wall. We delivered 66 sets of SH Fenders with a size of 800 mm x 4000 mm. The required fenders where fully specified by the Port of Zeebrugge. As this Port Authority only allows for high-quality material and constructions for their projects, SFT supplied the fenders including 100% pre compression testing and a 10% performance testing according to PIANC 2002 requirements.

Our agent CGK was on site during and after the installation and took this impressive pictures:

We are grateful for being part of another infrastructure project at the Port of Zeebrugge and wish them successful operations at the new berth, which will be used for the accommodation of car carrier ships. (#0008)

More pictures about SFT V Fenders at the new quay wall at Boudewijnkanal can be seen in our reference section.



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