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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

(c) Cezary Spigarski |

More than 200 Cylindrical Fenders delivered to Gdansk, Poland

After 3 years, our long term contract with the Port of Gdansk came to a successful completion with the last partial shipment of Cylindrical Fenders. In total, we have supplied 264 Cylindrical Fenders (320 x 150 x 2,650 mm). The fenders were mounted diagonally to cover vertically more area of the quay wall.

Our fenders were required for the refurbishment of berth "WOC I" (Free Customs Area) which is dedicated for bulk carriers. The area is important to the Port since goods can be unloaded from ships arriving from non-EU countries and later exported without custom and tax fees or additional procedures.
Besides the berth, also warehouses and other infrastructure were built and renovated.

We wish the Port of Gdansk successful operations.

See more pictures about SFT Cylindrical Fenders for the Port of Gdansk on our webite in the reference section.


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