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ShibataFenderTeam Group
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Happy New Year 2020
We at ShibataFenderTeam Group would like to thank you for a successful cooperation and wish you Happy Holidays as well as a great start into the New Year 2020.
We are constantly in motion.
Developing the company in the best possible way and preparing ourselves for tomorrow’s market requirements is an ongoing task.
2019 was an important year for us:
.. Shibata Industrial’s new factory started rubber fender production – together with the steel panel and foam fender manufacturing facilities in Germany, we have an even broader range of capacities for in-house manufacturing
.. Opening of our new office in The Netherlands further strengthened our leading position in world markets
.. Increased in-house engineering capacities worldwide to deliver highest quality design solutions valuing all elements of a fender system – a true Holistic Approach to fender system design
.. Launch of our second White Paper about ‘Mixing’ and once again expert insights were shared with our stakeholders
.. and of course our fabulous Agent Meeting in Kuala Lumpur and at Shibata Industrial’s new factory
We look forward to continue our successful path for an excellent year 2020 and beyond.