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Cell Fenders for new coal terminal in Muchke Bay, Russia
In 2017, the Russian Government signed a contract for an investment project at Vanino Port in Muchke Bay, Russia. The new terminal was scheduled for starting operation in 2019 with a total annual handling capacity of 24million tons of coal. Besides the construction of the two berths for coal shipments, an extensive administrative complex and a railway line were built as well.
The two berths are equipped with 32nos. of our high-quality CSS 1450 Cell Fenders and 23nos. V Fenders (arch fenders of 500 x 2,000 mm).
The Public Private Partnership project is implemented by Rosmorport, the national Russia transport infrastructure developer, and Yakutia LLC, a Russian transportation company. (#3755)
More pictures of the CSS 1450 Cell Fenders and V Fenders at Vanino Port in Muschke Bay can be found in our reference section