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Anna-Lena Georg appointed new Chair Person for PIANC Promotion Commission
On the occasion of the 2019 PIANC Annual General Assembly (AGA) in Kobe, Japan, Anna-Lena Georg, Marketing Manager at ShibataFenderTeam (SFT) Group, PIANC Platinum Partner, was officially announced new Chair Person for PIANC’s Promotion Commission (ProCom).
Established in 1885, PIANC continues to be the leading partner for government and private sector in the design, development and maintenance of ports, waterways and coastal areas. Within the association, professionals from around the world join forces to provide expert advice on cost-effective, reliable and sustainable infrastructure to facilitate the growth of waterborne transport. The non-political and non-profit organisation brings together the best international experts on technical, economic and environmental issues pertaining to waterborne transport infrastructure.
ProCom is one of a total of eight Commissions within PIANC. Its main task is to enhance, direct and implement a comprehensive Promotional Programme that will increase the membership and improve the membership experience, enhance the visibility of PIANC, and help achieve the vision, mission and goals of the Association.
Being an active member of ProCom since 2018, Anna-Lena Georg had the opportunity to get a deeper understanding of PIANC as an organization and the crucial work its members do for the waterborne transport infrastructure. She will be sharing her marketing and communication skills as well as her market insights both with PIANC and the ProCom team.
“I am honored that PIANC accepted my application to this position and would like to thank the Executive Committee as well as the Council for their trust in my abilities. It is my ambition to further develop my responsibilities and to closer support the work of PIANC”, Georg said. “Coordinating the work of ProCom is an opportunity to engage with PIANC and its members on a higher level. Leading the ProCom team is a great chance and a challenge at the same time – and I am really looking forward to this journey.”
Anna-Lena Georg has a strong connection with and a deep interest in the international maritime industry. In her role as Marketing Manager for the ShibataFenderTeam (SFT) Group, Anna-Lena Georg is responsible for the SFT Group’s worldwide marketing activities – a role that she fills with ambition and determination.
Georg has a master’s degree in international marketing and Brand Management from Lund University in Sweden as well as a bachelor’s degree in International Cruise Industry Management. Before joining SFT Group in 2016, she worked onboard a cruise ship experiencing new cultures and gaining international work experience.
In the spirit of SFT’s role as PIANC Platinum Partner, we are glad about the opportunity to further support PIANC and to continue the long-term cooperation between PIANC and the SFT Group.