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Shibata Fender Team


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SFT emphasizes global operation: Monkey Mia, Australia

In December 2014 ShibataFenderTeam supplied 58 sets of DD 150 Fenders for the new Monkey Mia jetty in Western Australia. The jetty is located in the spectacular Shark Bay World Heritage Area and is used by commercial, leisure and tourist vessels. The revitalisation of the jetty with its new ShibataFenderTeams’ DD Fenders supports the local environment by shifting the traffic from land to sea.

The fenders were supplied cut and drilled to size and pre-assembled with backing plate to simplify installation on site. According to the contractor, Maritime Constructions Pty Ltd, the holes were perfectly aligned with the support beams. MC were very satisfied with the accurate work and the good quality of our fenders.

See more pictures about SFT Extruded Fenders for Monkey Mia jetty in Australia on our website in the reference section.


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