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SFT & Galor organized marine design seminar in Gydnia, Poland
On April 21st 2016 key construction companies, engineering offices and representatives of port authorities from Poland came together in Gdynia.
SFT and our polish agent Przemyslaw Galor organized a marine design seminar with about 80 participants. ShibataFenderTeam was represented by Judith Richter (Sales) who introduced SFT Group, its products, services and reference projects.
Alfred Rogowski from our consulting engineering partner Peter Roßburger presented fender panel designs, load cases and other important design issues. All presentations were simultaneously translated. Additionally, Lee Composites Inc. and Mampaey Offshore Industries BV held presentations during the seminar. In connection with a wide food selection, a great location and a perfect organization, this design seminar was a huge success for all participants.