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Shibata Fender Team


Latest news about ShibataFenderTeam, orders and deliveries

Involvement in Port of Esbjergs new East Port area

The German based Headquarters of ShibataFenderTeam recently completed an order for the Port of Esbjerg in Denmark. 27 sets of FE 1000 Element Fender Systems were delivered, as well as 29 sets of Pillar and T Head Bollards with different capacities. The Element Fender systems and bollards were installed at the new East Port area at the Port of Esbjerg where Blue Water Shipping operates a new multiterminal.

The development of the eastern port areas was based on the 2004 master plan. According to Ole Ingrisch, Port Director, the goal was to create a flexible port area which can be adapted to suit customers’ needs. Therefore not only a new multiterminal was needed in this area, but as well new fendering for the expected RoRo vessels. ShibataFenderTeam’s Element Fender suited best for the customer’s need and had proven to work well on other areas of the port.

The fender systems were delivered in different variations: 22 Element Fender systems consisting of 4 rubber Element Fenders and one closed box steel panel (2 m x 5 m), and five of the systems were engineered with a different design, consisting of 8 rubber Element Fenders each, and two closed box steel panels (2 m x 5 m), both hinge-connected.

The master plan of the port was successfully put into practice, and includes two new RoRo ramps and improved conditions for RoRo traffic, which, according to the port, is one of the core business areas for Esbjerg. The new terminal and the RoRo facilities are also used from the wind turbine industry and DFDS for their Immingham – Esbjerg route.

Completion of the terminal is planned for spring 2018.

We wish the Port of Esbjerg successful operations for the East Port area.

More pictures about SFT Element Fender and Bollards for the Port of Esbjerg can be found in our reference section


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